It's All Okay

Just a mom blogging about life with an autistic child.

Location: Canada

I'm a stay at home mom with two boys. Patrick is my youngest and has ASD.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

We're back!

So, we did a bit of wandering. But nothing as extensive as we first planned. Not because of behaviour or resistance to change or anything else like that.

We just decided we loved "hangin' out" at the cottage so...that's what we did. Short visit with family and some touring around but then we decided to come home and spend some family time here whilst we still could.

3 weeks till school starts.

I'll post a couple of pics when I get organized. I have two camera cards full of photos that I havn't sorted nor printed. They span at least a year of picture taking. *sigh* Time she does fly by.


Blogger Maddy said...

Yup. It's over in a flash. We have our tick down chart.....

Tue Aug 11, 08:00:00 AM 2009  

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